Chinese HICT





  • 您需要家庭裝修承包商執照嗎?

任何人在紐約市內提供家庭裝修服務,必須持有紐約市消費者事務管理局(Department of Consumer Affairs)頒發的執照。(房屋主裝修自己擁有的房產不需要此執照)

  • 如果我已經有房屋局(Department of Buildings)發放的執照,我還需要消費者事務管理局的執照嗎??



  1. 參加培訓(建議,但不必須)
  2. 准备申請表格(11份)
  3. 提交申請,通過紐約市家庭裝修承包商考試
  4. 拿到執照
  • 考試內容有哪些?


  • 考試的形式與通過率如何?


  • 費用表:
培訓費 (非必須) $375
考試費 $50
指紋收集和處理費 $75
執照發放費(有效期兩年) $100
消費者事務管理局信托金(两年) $200
            共計                        $425


  • 誰可以申請執照?



  • 我需要成立公司來申請家庭裝修承包商執照嗎?

不必要,此裝修執照分為公司執照和個人執照,公司執照可由個人以個體戶(sole proprietor)的形式申請。


联系方式: 718-263-0546 |

地址:120-55 Queens Blvd.,  Suite 309, Kew Gardens, NY  11424.

Come Join Us!

Get Your Tickets Here!

The Queens Economic Development Corporation and Queens Tourism Council will host Queens Taste 2024 at the New York Hall of Science in Flushing Meadows Corona Park on Tuesday, May 21, from 6 pm to 9 pm.

We expect to attract more than 500 attendees with 50 restaurants and beverage purveyors, who will offer samples of their products. Thus, attendees will be able to bounce from table to table, tasting treats from tangy to fiery, crunchy to velvety, and sweet to briny.

Queens Taste is also a celebration of the borough -- and a great way to network. Almost all the anticipated 500 attendees either live in Queens or do business there. Many are executives and captains of industry. The atmosphere is always festive, almost giddy, creating an ideal scene for meeting and greeting.